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Housing Committee Minutes 03/01/10
Chilmark Housing Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 1, 2010 at 5:30 p.m.
Present:  Andy Goldman, Chair, Sheila Muldaur, Bill Randol, Roland Kluver, Tim Lasker
        Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Not Present: Jim Feiner

Call To Order:
Mr. Goldman, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Meeting Minutes:
The minutes from January 4 were approved as presented.
The minutes from February 16 were approved as amended.  

        New Business:
  • Heirs : Article for Town Meeting
        The committee’s discussion concerned amending Homesite Housing, Article 6.9, section D of the Town’s Zoning bylaws which includes heritability of Resident Homesite Lots. The committee’s proposal was to raise the allowable income level of heirs to 200%, which the committee agreed may be difficult to present to the town. The selectmen had reviewed the proposal and one selectman suggested that there be no income restriction for heirs, while another selectman would like the bylaw to remain as currently exists. The Committee has been divided on this issue from the outset and agreed that sending the discussion to the Annual Town Meeting for vote will bring some conclusion. This amendment also defines heirs as spouse and descendant. Todd agreed to write up the changes including that a spouse or descendant need not income qualify, but all other restrictions would remain in effect, and forward for approval.

  • DCRHA :
        Mr. Christy informed the committee of the situation concerning the Rental Assistance Program. Island wide, there are many difficulties with the program, fortunately, Chilmark’s program is funded through CPC and is in fine shape.

-     Nab’s Corner
        There is a draft of a letter from town Counsel informing the parties that the town will be moving forward with litigation concerning the contract of Nab’s Corner between the three parties; Mr. Hillman, Landbank and the Town of Chilmark.

Mr. Christy was approved by the County Commissioners as the representative to the DCRHA

The next Housing Meeting is scheduled for March 15, 2010 at 4:30pm

With no other new business to discuss, Mr. Goldman closed the meeting at 6:05 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.